No Flushing After A Flood – How To Handle Your Septic System Following A Flood


If you have a septic system and have suffered through flooding, there's some things that you'll need to do before the toilets are ready to flush again. Here, you'll learn how to handle your home's septic system following a flood. Cut the Power Before you do anything, make sure that you shut off the breaker to the septic pump. Chances are, you'd be fine, but if there is any standing water around the septic tank, and the electrical lines were damaged during the flood, you could suffer electrocution just by walking in the standing water.

5 November 2018

Features You Can Get In A Custom Deck


When you are looking to install a deck off the back of your home, you have many decisions to make. First, you have to decide on the material to use for the deck, such as various types of wood or laminate products. Next, you have to decide what size of deck you want. Lastly, you can pick a railing to install on your deck. If you are looking to make your deck unique and different, you may be considering a custom deck.

14 August 2018

Important Things To Do During Home Foundation Excavation


If you are working on designing your new home and have purchased a plot of land, then you may need to excavate the property to ensure that the foundation and the house can be built properly. If you have never excavated for a home before, but have the means and knowledge to do so, then you should understand that there are a few things you absolutely need to do. Keep reading to learn about a few.

24 June 2018

A Guide To Patching Concrete Cracks


If your concrete has a bunch of cracks in it, they probably don't look great. However, not all cracks are worth patching. That is, when a crack is too small, the patch can't physically fit in the gap, which means there's no point trying to patch it yet. This article explains what cracks are worth filling and how to best apply a great patch job. When to Fill Your Cracks

2 March 2018