The Types Of Damage A Chimney Sweep Will Look For


Has your chimney never been professionally cleaned or inspected by a chimney sweep?  Then your chimney is well overdue, since there may be problems happening within it that you are not aware of. Here are some problems that a chimney sweeping service will look for. 

Creosote Buildup

One very common issue with any chimney is creosote buildup. This highly flammable substance will accumulate in the chimney over time as it is used, and it is often the cause of chimney fires.  A chimney sweep will help find the creosote buildup that is within the chimney, and then remove the deposits so that they are no longer a fire risk.


There are various things that can cause a blockage within your chimney that need to be cleared out. This includes things as simple as debris that has found its way inside, nests formed by animals, or even masonry that has fallen into the chimney.  Any type of blockage is going to restrict the airflow from the chimney, and potentially cause all the dangerous smoke to flow back into the home. This is a huge health risk that can easily be avoided with a chimney inspection.

Liner Damage

The chimney is going to have a flue liner within it, which can become cracked over time and cause moisture to get into the bricks. This shows up in the form of efflorescence on the exterior bricks of the chimney, which is when they start to turn white in color. Fixing the damaged liner will prevent the efflorescence from getting worse, and then the exterior of the bricks will need to be cleaned to get them to look like they once did in the past.

Structural Damage 

The structure of the chimney can also become damaged, with problems such as missing mortar or cracks. This structural damage can get worse if it is not addressed, and it can potentially compromise the structure of your chimney.  

Ventilation Problems

Your chimney has a ventilation system that prevents the backflow of gasses and smoke. It also creates a draft so that all that gas and smoke travels upward and out of your home. The ventilation system also gets an inspection, since parts of it may need to be replaced if they are damaged. 

Think you're ready to have your chimney inspected and cleaned? Reach out to a local chimney sweeper to get their assistance with this important home maintenance task.  


21 March 2023

A Vacation Home

When I was a kid, I absolutely adored visiting a mountain town located 200 miles from my childhood home. Recently, I decided to invest in a vacation home in this beautiful, peaceful town. Do you desperately desire to obtain a vacation home in a stunning location? Instead of purchasing a home on the market you’re not completely happy with, consider hiring a general contractor to build you one. A general contractor can help you construct the vacation home of your dreams. Depending on your personal preferences, you might want your general contractor to build a house with an open concept. You may even desire a loft bedroom. On this blog, I hope you will discover how a general contractor can turn your dreams of relaxing in a vacation home into a reality. Enjoy!